Seven Transformation Pack 5.0
Seven Transformation Pack заменяет множество ресурсов Windows Vista/XP/Windows Server 2003, преобразуя интерфейс в идентичный Windows 7.
Изменения добавляют новый экран загрузки (Boot screen);
новый экран приветствия (Welcome Screen/Logon Screen);
новые файлы визуальных стилей;
новые иконки рабочего стола, панели управления и файлов;
новые индикаторы выполнения задач (копирования, выполнения и т.д.);
новая звуковая схема и новые обои рабочего стола;
новые иконки системной области уведомлений;
некоторые популярные функции Windows 7.
И многое другое!

Изменения в версии 5.0

-Added automate User Account Control deactivation upon checking
-Added changing desktop wallpaper during transformation
-Added completed set of Windows 7 wallpapers
-Added Gavatx's Rainbar in Vista compatibilities exclusion list as there's already Windows Sidebar in Vista
-Fixed bugs that some options are not saved in registry during installation
-Fixed currupt system sounds scheme in Windows Vista after uninstallation
-Fixed logon screen system files modification to not change system font in non-English MUI (Requires uninstall for older version)
-Fixed setup files detection glitches in Windows XP/2003 x64 Edition
-Fixed system files modification critical error for integration with Windows XP/2003 x64 Editions
-Fixed system files modification compatibilities with non-English edition OS
-Fixed Welcome Center not running on startup after installation on x64 operating system
-Fixed x64 system files modification incompatibilities for some systems
-Improved transformation process for faster and better performance (This involves a lot of work in various places and they're all technical stuff)
-Optimized Deferred Launcher's startup sequence and delay time for better resource utilization
-Removed minimum hardware requirements for 3rd-party applications but still keep recommended specifications in list
-Shortened installation sequence UI for smoother process
-Updated 3rd-party applications hardware requirements specifications
-Updated screensaver to Windows 7 logo
-Updated TrueTransparency
|-Core program to version 1.4
|-Optimized blurring interval for better system performance
|-Rebuilt SevenStyle skins based on Seven structure with real reflections
|-x64 application support
-Updated ViGlance to version SE2 build 1276
|-Added Drag shortcut support
|-Added Hyprid Jumplist support
|-Added Shift+Left click opens new instance
|-Fixed 64-bit application compatibilities
|-Fixed multi-monitor compatibilities
|-Fixed UI and code refinements
|-Optimized timer interval and program configuration
|-Updated default skin
-Updated ViStart to version 2.0 build 3738
|-Added blur support (experimental)
|-Added run functionality in searchbox
|-Optimized programs discovery routine with better program support
|-Optimized UI rendering for better performance
-Updated Welcome Center
|-Added back button in ui navigation control
|-Added system files repair list in repair page and Repair alert EF StartUp Manager 4.60 with red text
|-Fixed icon and text UI placement
|-Removed using system files from backup source in uninstallation
|-Reworked Removal UI with installed components verification to ensure safety of uninstallation
|-Updated backup files status indicator to available/not available (no need for overwritten check)
|-Windows 7's additional user pictures and wallpapers will no longer be removed (few MBs being too insignificant for TB storage)
-Updated UXTheme patching engine to deepxw's universal theme patcher

Обновлена: 29.12.2010 (Добавлена: 05.05.2009)
Операционная система: Windows XP/Vista/Server 2003
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Тип лицензии: FreeWare
Разработчик: Windows X

Количество скачиваний за сегодня: 0
Количество скачиваний за неделю: 104
Количество скачиваний всего: 18,575
Год выпуска: 2011
Совместимость с Se7en: полная
Язык интерфейса: ENG+RUS

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